OPENING TIME Monday: 4:00 pm
Tuesday thru Saturday: 2:00 pm
Closing Time: Midnight
- Gates are to be locked at closing time.
- No person except fair officials, guards, concession employees, night employees of the fair and those having written permission from the superintendent of grounds are allowed on the grounds after closing time. Unauthorized persons on the grounds after closing time are subject to arrest.
- No animals will be permitted in barns, before Sunday at 1:00 pm previous to the opening of the fair.
- Community Building Entry Hours: Saturday and Sunday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm.
- All exhibitors will be responsible for their own liability insurance.
- No entries or exhibits to be removed before 10:00 pm Saturday.
- The decisions of the judges will be final. Ribbons will be awarded to first, second and third places.
- All superintendents must approve passes for exhibitors and employees.
- All eating and concession stands shall have their supplies on the fair grounds and vehicles off of the midway by 4:00 pm each day
- All concession stands shall keep their areas clean at all times.
- No gambling is permitted on the fair grounds.
- All vehicles must be parked in designated areas.
- All Concessionaires vehicles must be off the midway by 4:00 pm each day. No vehicular traffic will be moving except in an emergency or under direct order and no vehicles will leave until 11 pm.
- Any car obstructing traffic shall be moved and towing charges will have to be paid.
- All animals exhibited must comply with the sanitary regulations of the Department of Agriculture of the State of WV.
- No dangerous animals nor mistreatment of animals will be tolerated on the fair grounds or during the fair parade.
- No ponies or horses are to remain on the fair grounds after the barns are full.
- Poultry Barn - Six chickens/rabbits or any animal for the Poultry Barn.
- All animals must be registered with the superintendent of department and classified to show only in his class.
- All blue ribbon winners will be shown in halters for grand champion.
- All horses shall be led in and out or around the barns.
- All animals must be in their quarters by 10:00 pm and remain in quarters for the night.
- All animals that consume hay will be fed twice daily and only by barn employees. No one except these employees shall be permitted to use hay from the hay barns.
- All horses in the Horse Pulling Contest are subject to a test after the Pulling Contest is over by a veterinarian.
- There shall be no trading or selling of livestock on the grounds during the fair without Fair Board approval.
- No raffle or lotteries on fair grounds.
- The fair association reserves to its Board of Directors the right to interpret all rules and regulations and to arbitrarily settle all matters in regard to them.
- Notice is hereby specifically given that in admitting automobiles or other personal property to the grounds of association, whether exhibitors or patrons, and in permitting the bringing of any property upon the grounds of the fair association, the fair association does not assume personal control thereof in any manner, and all such property is admitted to said grounds and taken thereon by the owner solely at their own risk and the fair association will not be responsible for loss by theft or by damage or loss from any cause whatsoever, or for any damage caused said article, item or animal.